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In this tutorial i will show you how to install Logitech Media Server using Portainer

Available platforms: x86_64, armV8.2

It doesn't matter if your library includes 100 tracks or 100,000. Or if you rip your own CDs or buy your music from services like iTunes and Amazon MP3. 
Download Logitech Media Server software today and start listening to your personal music collection on a Squeezebox in any room in your home.

If you don't have the Docker Engine and Portainer apps installed on your NAS, install them using this guide Docker Engine and Portainer. If you have them already installed, proceed further.

If you already have them from a previous container installation, proceed to Step 3. If not, follow this guide to launch a web terminal and rund the command :


You can also use putty or any other SSH client. In this case, ssh service must run on your NAS

Find your current time zone on this website, as example for Brussels is:


Open Portainer using the icon from TOS desktop ( if Portainer is already installed and enabled), or enable Portainer from App Center and open it from there by typing in your web browser http://yournasip:19000.

After you login on Portainer, go to Home, then click on your Local Environment

Go to Stacks and click on Add stack

On the name type lms select Web editor and paste the code below.

Make sure you replace the PUID and PGID with the values for your user found on Step 2
Make sure you replace the TZ value with the value for your specific zone found on Step 3

Config files will be stored at /Volume1/DockerAppsData/lms

The music path is configured to be read from /Volume1/Media/Music

restart: you can choose from always, unless-stopped, or on-failure[:number of retries]

version: "3.9"
    container_name: lms
    image: lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver
      - /Volume1/DockerAppsData/lms/config:/config:rw
      - /Volume1/Media/Music:/music:ro
      - /Volume1/Media/Playlist:/playlist:rw
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - 9000:9000/tcp
      - 9090:9090/tcp
      - 3483:3483/tcp
      - 3483:3483/udp
      - HTTP_PORT=9000
      - PGID=0
      - PUID=0
      - TZ=Europe/Brussels
    restart: on-failure:5

After you adapt the needed values, scroll down and click on Deploy the stack. The button will change to Deployment in progress.

If no errors occur, you will get a message that deployment was successful and the lms stack will appear on the list. Click on it.

If everything was OK, the container will show as running.

Navigate to http://yournasip:9000 to open the lms interface
