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A container-based solution for automating Docker container base image updates

About: https://containrrr.dev/watchtower

In this tutorial i will show you how to install Watchtower using Portainer and Docker
With watchtower you can update the running version of your containerized app simply by pushing a new image to the Docker Hub or your own image registry. Watchtower will pull down your new image, gracefully shut down your existing container and restart it with the same options that were used when it was deployed initially.

If you don't have the Docker Engine and Portainer apps installed on your NAS, install them using this guide Docker Engine and Portainer. If you have them already installed, proceed further.

If you already have them from a previous container installation, proceed to Step 3. If not, follow this guide to launch a web terminal and run the command below


You can also use putty or any other SSH client. In this case, ssh service must run on your NAS

Find your current time zone on this website, as example for Brussels is:


Open Portainer using the icon from TOS desktop ( if Portainer is already installed and enabled), or enable Portainer from App Center and open it from there by typing in your web browser http://yournasip:19000.

After you login on Portainer, go to Home, then click on your Local Environment

Go to Stacks and click on Add stack

Watchtower doesn't have any web interface. In order to see it's activities, check the logfile by pressing on the small button on the container line

Now you can see watchtower activity and the first check will be done in 24 hours.
