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Samsung Magician Software for Enterprise SSD (CLI)
Homepage : ... ort/tools/
Applicable models: x.64 series, ARMv8 series
Applicable TOS4: 4.1.27 or later versions - on request
Applicable TOS5: 5.1.37 or later versions
App WebUI for additional settings can be accesses at:
TOS4: http(s)://yournasip:port/modules/SMESSD/www
TOS5: click on Support & Help from app description inside the App Center
This Data Center Magician SSD management utility is designed to work with the Samsung PM863 and SM863 Series only. This software is not compatible with other manufacturer's SSDs.
[XXX@TNAS-XXXX ~]# magician --help
Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 2.0
Copyright (C) 2015 SAMSUNG Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Argument Description
-L[ --list ] Shows the disk(s) attached to the system
-F[ --firmware-update ] Updates firmware to specified disk
Example: magician --disk 1 --firmware-update --fwpackage-path /path/d
srdenc [or] magician --disk 1 -F -p /path/dsrdenc --force
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk or A to select all supported
disks to update firmware on.
-p [ --fwpackage-path ] Path to the directory containing firmware
--force Enables the user to perform Firmware Download without
prompting for any confirmations.
-E[ --erase ] Securely erases all data from specified disk
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to be securely erased.
--force Enables the user to perform Secure Erase without prompting
for any confirmations.
-O[ --over-provision ] Performs one of the Over-Provisioning related operations on specified
Not specifying any option will set Over-provisioning to recommended v
alue [magician -d 1 -O -s]
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to query/clear/set
Over-Provisioning status for.
-q [ --query ] Queries current Over-Provisioning status of specified
-c [ --clear ] Clears Over-Provisioning from specified disk.
-s [ --set ] Sets Over-Provisioning on specified disk argument is
amount of over provisioning to be set in format [XXGB or XXMB or
Percentage is with respect to the disk size.
If no value is present, it'll default to the recommended OP amount.
-T[ --trim ] Optimizes specified disk
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to be optimized.
--force Enables the user to perform trim without prompting for any
-S[ --smart ] Shows S M A R T values of specified disk
Example: magician --disk 1 --smart [or] magician -d 1 -S [or] magicia
n --disk 1 --smart --temperature [or] magician -d 1 -S -t [or] magicia
n --disk 1 --smart --temperature [file-path] [or] magician -d 1 -S -t
[file-path] [or] magician --disk 1 --smart --query [or] magician -d 1
-S -q [or] magician --disk 1 --smart --execute --offlineshort [or] mag
ician -d 1 -S -e --offlineshort [or] magician --disk 1 --smart --execu
te --captiveextended [or] magician -d 1 -S -e --captiveextended [or] m
agician --disk 1 --smart --execute --offlineseletive [or] magician -d
1 -S -e --offlineseletive [or] magician --disk 1 --smart --analyzer --
start [or] magician -d 1 -S -a --start [or] magician --disk 1 --smart
--analyzer --stop [or] magician -d 1 -S -a --stop Note: To display the
lifetime estimation of the disk, execute --analyzer command with --st
art and then --stop switches
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to show S M A R T values of.
-t [ --temperature ] Enables the user to log the temperature of the
-q [ --query ] Display the percentage of the available LBA to replace.
-a [ --analyzer ] Displays the lifetime estimation of the disk by
SMART value.
-e [ --execute ] Execute SMART Self-Test on the specified disk.
-M[ --setmax ] Displays Native Max address and performs SET MAX operation on specifie
d disk with decimal value
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to read/perform SET MAX
operation on.
-s [ --set ] Sets SETMAX value on specified disk.
'arg' is amount of SETMAX value to be set on disk in decimal format.
-r [ --read-native-max ] Reads Native MAX Address of specified disk.
-W[ --setfeature ] Send set feature command on specified disk depending on the arg value
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to set feature.
-r [ --rawdata ] Set raw value of data to send set feature command on
specified disk.
'arg' is Feature:SectorCount:LBA, hexadecimal value should be input
with 0x.
-w [ --writecache ] Enables/Disables the write cache on specified
-V[ --vendor-utility ] Enables the user to execute Vendor Utility command on specified disk
magician --disk 1 --vendor-utility --FAlog-dump [or]
magician -d 1 -V -fa
magician --disk 1 --vendor-utility --PLP-log [or]
magician -d 1 -V -p
magician --disk 1 --vendor-utility --Escape [or]
magician -d 1 -V -e
magician --disk 1 --vendor-utility --DSLR [or]
magician -d 1 -V -dslr
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to execute Vendor Utility
-fa [ --FAlog-dump ] Enables the user to extract the log data from a
coreview block of the SSD.
-p [ --PLP-log ] Enables the user to extract the PLP log data from a
coreview block of the SSD.
-e [ --Escape ] Attempts to escape the device from the ERROR MODE
-dslr [ --DSLR ] Extracts DSLR from the SSD.
-I[ --info ] Displays disk-info of specified disk
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk whose details has to be
-X[ --sct ] Performs SCT command to the specified disk
-d [ --disk ] Disk-Number of the disk to get SCT write cache state.
-wb [ --writesame-pattern-background ] Execute Background Write Same
-wf [ --writesame-pattern-foreground ] Execute Foreground Write Same
-xg [ --writecache-get ] Get the state of SCT Write Cache.
-xs [ --writecache-set ] Enable or disable SCT Write Cache.
-xsnv [ --writecache-set-non-volatile ] Enable or disable SCT Write
Cache, non-volatile.
-rg [ --reordering-get ] Get the state of SCT Volatile Write Cache
-rs [ --reordering-set ] Enable or disable SCT Volatile Write Cache
-rsnv [ --reordering-set-non-volatile ] Enable or disable SCT
Volatile Write Cache Reordering, non-volatile.
-lg [ --temperature-logging-get ] Get current value of Temperature
Logging Interval (in minutes).
-ls [ --temperature-logging-set ] Set the value of Temperature
Logging Interval (in minutes).
-t [ --temperature-history ] Display HDA Temperature History.
-C[ --command-history ] Shows history of the previously executed commands
-license[ -license ] Shows the End User License Agreement
Samsung Magician Software for Enterprise SSD (CLI)
Homepage : ... ort/tools/
Applicable models: x.64 series, ARMv8 series
Applicable TOS4: 4.1.27 or later versions - on request
Applicable TOS5: 5.1.37 or later versions
App WebUI for additional settings can be accesses at:
TOS4: http(s)://yournasip:port/modules/SMESSD/www
TOS5: click on Support & Help from app description inside the App Center
This Data Center Magician SSD management utility is designed to work with the Samsung PM863 and SM863 Series only. This software is not compatible with other manufacturer's SSDs.