How to create DockerYAML and DockerAppsData shared folders

In this guide i will show you how to create the shared folders DockerYAML and DockerAppsData.

These folders are required to follow my step by step tutorials to deploy docker container apps using Docker Manager from TerraMaster.

DockerYAML – will be used to store the yaml config file for every deployed container. Each container will have his own *.yaml file.
DockerAppsData – will be used to store some specific config files for every deployed container (when needed). Each container will have his own folder to store the config files and folders.

In this tutorial, we’ll create the shared folder on Volume1, but you can choose any available volume. Only to keep in mind that when you see in the docker containers tutorials to use /Volume1/DockerYAML or /Volume1/DockerAppsData, you have to replace the volume number with the actual volume where you have created the shared folders.

Superuser is the user created during the initial NAS setup.

As long as these folders are required normally to be seen only by the superuser account, we’ll hide these from and only the superuser will have read/write access to these folders. For the other users available on your NAS, the access will be denied.

I will show you now how to create the DockerYAML shared folder, you have to follow the same steps to create the DockerAppsData folder.

From the top menu click on Control Panel and then on Shared Folder.

Next click on the small + icon to create new folder

On the name type DockerYAML, check the box to hide the folder in Network Neighborhood.
You can also add a description if you want and click on Next.

Uncheck the box to Enable recycle bin and click on Next.

Leave as default the window below and click on Next.

Leave as default the window below (only superuser account will have read/write permission) and click on Next.

Review the confirmation window and click on Next.

Clcik on Got It to close the Tips window.

Now follow the steps above to create also the DockerAppsData folder.

When is done, you will see the 2 folders in the list. You can now close this window.

How to install Docker Engine and Docker Manager
App's updates and new app's release

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