How to create an user and database in PostgreSQL

Follow the guide below to create an user and database to be used with apps like Miniflux

I presume PostgreSQL_okm and pgAdminOKM apps were correctly installed

Login to pgAdmin , right click on Login/Group Roles and then select Create > Login/Group Role

At name type miniflux

Then go to Definition to choose your desired password

Then go to Privileges and activate Can login. You can activate other options if you want and then click on Save.

The new user has been created.

Now let’s create the miniflux database and give access
Right click on Databases, then select Create > Database

At database type miniflux and select the owner miniflux and then Save

The database is now created and ready to be used by the app

Specifically for Miniflux app, for its database we need to install the extension hstore
Go to miniflux database ,right click on extension and then then select Create > Extension

At name select hstore from dropdownlist

Go to definition and select as below and then Save

Extension hstore has been added to miniflux database

How to connect PostgreSQL to pgAdmin
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