All apps here are not officially provided by TerraMaster, but developed by me in spare time. All the apps you can download here are free. If you encounter problems while using the app, I can provide you with advice and help as much as i can. Since it takes me a lot of time to maintain these apps and provide technical support, I would appreciate if you make a donation to support my work and continue to provide up to date versions.
How to connect PostgreSQL to pgAdmin
Install first PostgreSQL_okm and then install pgAdminOKM.
Once the both apps are installed, launch the pgAdminOKM WebUI
On first use, login with username: and password: superuser
After login, click on superuser account and go to Users
Create a new administartor with your desired email and password.
Click on Save, logout and login with the newly created user.
Go again to Users screen and delete the default superuser account.
Now we need add the server PostgresSQL_okm to pgAdmin
Go to Servers, Add New Server.
At name type as example PostgreSQL_okm and then go to Connection menu
At host type, Username type postgres, activate save password and click on save
Your server is now connected and you can use pgAdmin UI to manage the users and databases